Family Involvement & SupportToronto District Christian High School expects parental involvement and support.

It has been proven that students do better academically when families are involved in their learning. Informed and helpful parents or guardians are also much more likely to provide the support needed for today’s teenagers. Volunteer help keeps tuition more affordable. Plus, parents and guardians have talents that could really serve our students! Volunteering is a great way to make connections with other families.
Each family is expected to contribute 25 Parent/Guardian Volunteer Hours or pay the volunteer assessment of $1,000.
Opportunities to volunteer are advertised through the “Volunteers Needed” section of The Week @ TDChristian, sent to families weekly by email. Volunteering can include helping out at the Fire Hall Thrift Store. Attendance at various designated school events and membership meetings qualify for Parent/Guardian Volunteer Hours. Hours are tracked through the main office.