Environmental Block
Environmental Block is a two-credit Grade 10 program that teaches students stewardship of the environment through hands-on projects and activities that also engage them with their communities and governments while teaching them about possible careers. Throughout the course, students learn how our way of living affects the environment and what we can do as individuals and as a society to prevent further destruction.
Students solve problems from a Christian perspective and complete authentic environmentally-centred projects. Learning will be driven by outdoor and experiential activities. Projects will include running the recycling and composting programs at the school, improving and maintaining the school grounds, and educating the school and broader community about environmental issues through presentations in assemblies and community events.
Students will meet course expectations in an integrated way by experiencing the natural world and Canadian society around them and by completing authentic projects. For example, students learn about the three levels of government by exploring careers at each level through such issues as recycling (municipal), water management (provincial), and Kyoto Accord (federal).
Successful students in the program earn credits in Grade 10 Green Industries THJ2O (1 credit–110 hours); Grade 10 Civics and Citizenship CHV2O (1/2 credit–55 hours); and Grade 10 Careers GLC2O (1/2 credit–55 hours).