Thank You for your support in 2024
Your prayers and financial support have helped TDChristian to make an impact in students’ lives, allowing them to put both their learning and faith into action. Students continue to learn…...
Your prayers and financial support have helped TDChristian to make an impact in students’ lives, allowing them to put both their learning and faith into action. Students continue to learn…...
“Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9 …
Ever since TDChristian turned 50 in 2012-13, we’ve chosen a Bible passage as a theme each year,with one verse to focus on. This year we chose the familiar verses in…
I can't believe how close the end of this school year is, and my time at TDChristian. As I reflect on my experiences here, I can see how much I’ve…
In November 2023, teachers Mark Chan and David Kim wrote a proposal to access monies from the Project Fund for Deserving TDChristian Initiatives set up by Alice Vanderkooy before her…
TDChristian’s Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) and Life Skills Program is almost through its first year. This exciting initiative provides a high school education to students who require an alternative…
This year, TDChristian’s ShowPro Drama class is putting on the play The Diary of Anne Frank, involving cooperation and collaboration among many people. I am one of two actors who…