Look InsideWindows into TDChristian

Immerse yourself in the story of TDChristian through thoughtfully crafted publications.
Twice a year, when the leaves turn or the summer sun warms, our seasonal @TDChristian Newsletter paints vivid portraits of the spirited activities and boundless energy that help define our school. In the spring our magazine PWA: Passion Wonder Awe is distributed.
Delve into articles that breathe life into our mission, showcase students’ beautiful work, display our teacher’s unwavering dedication, and highlight heartwarming community initiatives that knit us together.
These publications are your windows into TDChristian. They invite you to witness, celebrate, and be part of what makes our community truly exceptional. Join us as we capture the essence of our school, keeping you connected and engaged in our journey of learning, service, and faith.
2024-25 School Year
2023-24 School Year
Passion Wonder Awe Magazine – Spring 2024
2022-23 School Year
Passion Wonder Awe Magazine – Spring 2023
2020-21 School Year
Passion Wonder Awe – Spring 2021