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Cover of @TD Fall 2023
November 1, 2023

@TD Fall 2023

In Luke 10:25-37, an expert in the law asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” This year at TDChristian, we will ponder and examine this question and Jesus’ response, challenging each other to act on Jesus’ directive to “go out and do the same.”

This issue of @TD celebrates the return of the Grade 11 Service Trip for students in our English & Perspectives Block. In addition, we highlight the Grade 9 Service Day including Kids Against Hunger; the Grade 10 Beacon Trip focusing on empathy; and the inaugural Fall Market, an event that brought local Woodbridge residents and TDChristian community members to Fire Hall Thrift and to the school.

Every day is a new opportunity for our students to grow in knowledge and wisdom—and to be God’s servants by being good and caring neighbours.

  • William Groot, Principal