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@TD Grad Issue – June 2024

I can’t believe how close the end of this school year is, and my time at TDChristian. As I reflect on my experiences here, I can see how much I’ve changed over these four years. Of course, that’s partly because I’m older. My brain is more developed.

But I believe the biggest cause of the tremendous growth I’ve experienced— not to mention my favourite component of high school—has been the once- in-a-lifetime opportunities I’ve said ‘yes’ to. They’ve strengthened my faith, taught me new skills, and allowed me to build invaluable relationships.

I’ve learned that when you step out in faith and trust fully in God, beautiful things happen. For me, these include writing and releasing a worship song, “Voice to Heaven”, with Ascension; praising God in Spanish on one of two trips to the Dominican Republic; and experiencing God’s creation as an Environmental Block student and Teaching Assistant.

I’ve also gained many practical skills. Stage managing Shrek: The Musical and The Diary of Anne Frank taught me leadership, problem solving, and organization; choir and Ascension taught me the practical components of music theory while making me more comfortable singing in front of large groups; and E-Block taught me the importance of teamwork and teaching.

However, when I think about my adventures over the past four years, what sticks out is the number of relationships I’ve made along the way. To teachers, peers, and friends to mentors and community I leave gained high school having a large network of cheerleaders – from Santo Domingo to Woodbridge.

I can tell you that if you take part in any of the countless experiences available, you won’t regret it! You truly never know what will happen when you choose to participate!

Don’t get me wrong; I’m exceedingly grateful for the classes and wonderful education that TDCH has given me. But I believe the access to unique, intentional, and impactful opportunities sets TDChristian apart. After four years here, not only is my prefrontal cortex more developed, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge, skills, memories, and friends.

Alice Burton, Grade 12